01 October 2008

T-minus Three Days and Sprinting to the End

Remember the days when I was able to spend some time writing long, insightful posts for you nice folks? Those were good days. They were the days of plenty of room on my computer and ipod, the days of clean shoes, the days of having enough time to shower every day. I remember them well...and I've left them behind. I'm not complaining, mind you. I mean, I DID just spend three days on safari. But I returned and found myself in the final sprint to the end, and boy am I running!! Today I'll be crossing the Equator. I hear they have a place there where a guy will do the water thing for you. You know, make it drain one direction on the North side, and the other direction on the South side. Lori and I are going down to a village made up almost entirely of the elderly, small children, and the mentally handicapped. I hope to conduct some interviews. Tomorrow I'm spending time with a girl named Jackie whose parents were killed by the LRA. And Wednesday I'm packing up and making my way to the airport. I hope to be able to write at least once more before I leave Uganda, but if I can't, I'll catch you up from the sunny banks of the Avon River on my quest to see Hamlet at the Royal Shakespeare Company.

Until then, I've made a video of the last week or so. This one is a bit longer than normal, so you may want to grab some provisions. Enjoy!

Note: This is a post I wrote several days ago...when I was still in Africa. For some reason I couldn't get it to come up on Blogger. So its a bit outdated. Sorry for any confusion! :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Amanda,
On blogger, you can back post to the date you wanted to post it. Just click on post options, and then change the date and time. This is nice to because you can schedule posts to appear later if you have time to write multiple posts at once. Welcome back to the US.