10 September 2008

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

As promised, this post is nothing but things you can pray for. Lucky!

You can thank God with me that I have been healthy--completely healthy--the entire trip so far, and that I have been safe as well.

You can also thank God for his goodness in protecting mine and Lori's relationship and in providing such gracious and giving contacts here. I have been showered with hospitality and good will.

Also, you can thank him that I've been able to do everything I wanted to so far--meeting and spending time with orphans, recording their stories and writing up extensive daily notes to help me in the writing process, getting enough rest, and of course being faithful to post blogs and videos.

Things you can ask him for include:

Good contacts in the second half of the trip.
Continued health and safety.
Creative, mental, physical, and spiritual stamina.
The ability to focus and stick to the task at hand.
Wisdom in spending the remainder of my funds.
Rest and refreshment.
The ability to interview well and the social energy to enjoy the children and young adults I'm spending time with.
Fresh eyes to see the extraordinary things around me that threaten to become commonplace with familiarity.
Humility--the ability to respond well to God's leadership in all things.
Single-mindedness and selflessness.
A spirit of giving and compassion.

Some specific requests for this week are:

A good day with Julius and his siblings on Friday.
A good day of interviews at Father's Divine Love Ministries on Monday.
That I would make good connections in Gulu and would be able to go, or that I would have wisdom to know whether or not to go. I would be alone for this trip, and am a little wary.
A good day of worship and rest on Sunday.

Again, thank you all so much for your faithfulness in prayer and for your friendship and encouragement.

Oh! And expect a video tomorrow! :o)

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